You had me at “Hello”, as in your cover of the Lionel Richie Song…
Nevermind, I just look silly.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008- 7:02 pm PDT
School is owning me right now and it saddens me to say I don’t have the time to sit and watch the big announcement tonight. Last night I only caught the last 2 performances because I was in the Library. I will watch all the hours of Idol Saturday, but I couldn’t wait to find out who won… I had to know as soon as possible. In fact, I wanted to know when it was announced. So I had a friend that was at the Nokia Theatre text message me when it was announced. Since they tape the show live for the east coast, I got a text a little after 7pm.
“COOK WINS!” I yet out a YAWP in the library. (See below for the definition of Yawp.) I then get a little nervous that my friend is pulling my chain. I remembered a friend that’s on the east coast this week visiting family. I called them from the bathroom to gain confirmation. This may seem silly, but I asked the person to play me the announcement on their TiVo so I could hear it myself. I did this because I have given false announcements hundreds of times and I am deserving and due to have the joke played on me.
After triple confirmation (Wikipedia is a reliable source, right?) I am happy to revel in the fact that David Cook is the winner of Season 7, American Idol. This is not just a victory for Cook, this is a victory for good music. It finally triumphed over 13-year-old-girls. I personally spent 2 hours voting last night for Cook. I couldn’t tell you exactly how many votes I cast, but my best estimate is over 200. (This kind of puts the numbers they brag about into perspective.) I felt like I needed to do my part to counter the texting fiends.
Overall this was a great season of the show. While it became a little boring at the end as it became obvious who America wanted to see in the finals, it was still a fun ride. It will be interesting to see where Cook goes in his career. He will spend the summer touring with the other contestants, meeting his contractual obligation. As much as I enjoy the show, I have no desire to see this “Pop Tart American Idol Tour.” I hate the weekly group performances, why would I pay $75 to see them again. Anyway, we likely won’t hear any new music from Cook until February 09.
So, now I walk the aisles of the library with little spring in my step. I will watch the shows and post a full article early next week. In the mean time, I can breathe a sigh of relief and know that the Axis of Evil has been defeated… DAVID COOK WINS!
Here is the definition of a Yawp.
I am reminded how good this movie is. I think I’m going to watch it this weekend. Usually when Robin Williams does a dramatic role he grows the beard, because beards equal drama. This is an exception to that rule.
I wish my teachers spun me around until poetry came out.