In my opinion, Tina Fey is the most attractive famous female with a scar.
(not a highly populated category, but don’t let that detract from her victory)
This weekend I found myself saying “Baby Mama? Sure, I’ll go see Baby Mama.” I was not in a rush to see this film. If I had seen it down the road via Netflix, that would have been fine. But I saw it with some friends, and therefore the ticket was worth it. In regards to the film itself…ehhhh, it was ehhhh. Kinda blah. Yeah, just blah.
Any 30 second commercial tells you the basic plot, and anyone with half a brain can guess how the film ends while sitting in the theater, no surprise. The film lacked surprises throughout. I guess a movie like this needs to have funny situation after funny situation that just build on each other as the characters walk through the narrative. Instead it felt like we just followed the characters through the predictable plot with the occasionally humor found in a line or two. I did laugh during this movie, but that laughter came in brief bursts not a continual laughter at any given scenario. For me, Steve Martin’s character provided some hearty laughs but the rest was few and far between.
So, while this movie provides funny moments and plenty of cute “awwwwwww” moments, it doesn’t shine as a comedy. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are funny ladies without a doubt, but this story needed more. So, this movie falls into the “Throw it in your Netflix queue and let it surprise you a few months from now” category. Don’t expect to be in stitches, but it gives you a few chuckles.
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