The best performance in this film was given by this monkey.
Sad, I know. But still, props to the Monkey.
If I read anymore my head is going to explode. It is Wednesday and I it is my 3rd day in a marathon of studying that involves 17 hour days in a library reading texts that are thousands of years old. I am burned out, and I need a break. I’ve wanted to see Speed Racer since I first heard that the makers of the Matrix were at the helm of this summers potential blockbuster. It would be great to let a fun story and a visually stunning effects wash over me and allow me to relax.
This movie accomplished something great, but did not meet my expectations. The great thing it did was made me think about how it was more interesting to read old books rather than endure this boring movie. Horrible, just horrible; I am convinced that the Wackowski brothers happen to strike gold with the original Matrix film and overall are not good filmmakers. They can oversee great visual effects but can’t tell a basic story. I think there was too much focus on the look of this movie that we forgot the Pixar Principle; Story, Story, STORY!!!
The racing sequences were stylized and interesting to watch, but that doesn’t make up for the other 2 hours or dribble. When I come off a film like Iron Man, I expect more. I don’t think it was casting, because I liked everyone in their respective roles. It was bad script and bad direction. My recommendation is to skip it in the theaters and only Netflix the film if you really must.
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