My guess is that MC Skat Kat introduced Paula to some
shady substances and she hasn’t been the same since.
Over the last few weeks I have received a lot of slack for my failed Idol predictions. While a few of them have been in the way of comments here on the blog, they have poured in over myspace, facebook, gmail, phone, and in person. I hit the wall today when a friend at school asked “Are you as drunk as Paula Abdul when you make your predictions?” If I wasn’t at seminary, I very well may have tackled my friend. Sure it was funny, but it cut me deep, cut me real deep.
Let me give you a window into my process of blogging and predicting. I usually watch American Idol either late Tuesday night when I get home from school or late Wednesday night when I get home from hanging out after work. If I watch the episode Wednesday, I will watch the results show immediately after. Then, Thursday I write the Idol blog for next week. I am sure you can notice that my predictions are ALWAYS posted before that week’s performance.
SO, my prediction doesn’t take in mind the show that immediately preceded the nationwide vote. I don’t have the time at that point in my week to turn around an article that fast. Maybe I will start adding a short addendum to the articles after I watch and see the need for an adjustment. But please keep my timeline in mind when you read my Idol Blogs and tearing me apart when you see me. Okay enough about my defensive response, let’s move on…HOW DRUNK WAS PAULA TUESDAY NIGHT!!! Oh my goodness.
I understand getting confused with the new format of the night, but that was not the problem. Paula is clearly on something and an embarrassment as a judge. From what I’ve heard from “insiders”, she is constantly late and consistently unprofessional. Apparently the other judges and host are tired of her shenanigans. While Ryan’s forced comments standing up for Paula did give the appearance of a “family love”, I am sure they’d all like to see her go.
As Idol hits a ratings slump and does some retooling, I think they should look to that middle seat. She is just a washed up pop star and they are a dime a dozen. Hey, here’s a crazy thought… bring in Britney. Now THAT would make good TV! Maybe this regular schedule would add to Britney’s recovery from whatever mental illness she has. While some may say she isn’t that talented, I’d encourage you to listen to a Paula Abdul record; they are on the same level vocally. I’d much rather see a modern wacko than an out-of-date drunk on Idol.
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