I don’t care how many pastel vines you adorn on this image,
it will not be targeted at women.
I watch Lifetime. There we go, a confession for you. I do watch this network that is synonymous with “programming for women” and gripping low budget films like “My Stepson, My Lover; The Shannon McDonald Story” Ever notice that the titles almost always involve a colon or semi-colon. Anyway, I find myself watching this network when one of two things happens.
1. Scrabble with Mom- I’ve been trying to hang with Kris a little more often these days. I try to meet her on her terms and so I let her watch whatever she wants on TV while we play Scrabble. I gave up long ago trying to influence her choices in media. So if there isn’t a wedding show on or Oprah, she defaults to Lifetime. She’s my mom; I love through this lapse in judgment.
2. TiVo records Will & Grace- That show has some funny moments and my TiVo doesn’t care what network it is on. This is one of the rare times I watch commercials with TiVo, but the Lifetime Network is so bad the commercials are like a car wreck. I have to slow down and give it a look.
A few weeks ago I came across a horrible idea. They are showing Goodfellas on Lifetime and promoting it. I really don’t get this at ALL! What’s next, Soprano’s on the Oxygen Network? Seriously, this makes no sense to me at all. I noticed that nearly every clip they used in the promotion showed the character Karen Hill, wife to the notorious gangster/informant and protagonist of the film. While she has an interesting storyline and makes a great supporting character in this film, she is not the driving force. This is kind of like telling a friend who loves animals that they should watch Season 2 of Friends on DVD because Ross owns a monkey.
A friend of mine had mentioned a while back that Lifetime was trying to re-brand itself. If this is how they plan on doing this then they must have had their brainstorming session after sustaining head injuries. Lifetime, stick with the poorly produced empowered woman stories. Don’t waste your money on the fees to air a classic gangster movie, just because I want to be entertained while playing Scrabble. I am not your target market.
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