We knew you wouldn’t win,
but still, you left us too quickly.
When the announcement came this last Thursday, my jaw dropped. I thought to myself, “What is America smoking? It clearly must me the same stuff Jason Castro is smoking.” (Did you notice how baked this guy looked again. It made me laugh the way Ryan didn’t even interview him after his performance. Yeah pothead musicians!) Michael Johns being voted off was a reminder that while the voters had been doing better, this is still a popularity contest. Michael Johns will go the road of Chris Daughtry, get a band and sing some good songs. But he didn’t have what it takes to make it as an idol.
I knew he wasn’t going to make it to the end, but this week was his first time in the bottom three and BOOM he’s gone. I am sure that is making all the other contestants feeling uneasy. You could see the surprise on his face when he was announced as the loser. It seemed so clear that he was trying to figure out how it is that Kristy Lee Cook remains and he is gone! I was trying to figure it out too, but again I need to see Idol as a popularity contest.
There are a bunch of states in the middle of our country. Most of us fly over these states, cities and towns not realizing that there are a lot of folks living here. They are likely to love the story of Kristy selling her horse, and want to keep her around. I should have known that these people had the power to sway a nation wide vote. For additional evidence, notice who is the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. So with that staying power in mind, I have adjusted my predictions below.
7. Syesha Mercado
6. Kristy Lee Cook
5. Carly Smithson
4. Jason Castro
3. Brooke White
2. David Archuleta
1. David Cook
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