This was when we first met you Kristy,
It’s been down hill ever since then.
As much as I like hotness, I love justice. This weekend justice was served and Kristy Lee Cook said goodbye to Idol. Even though she gave a performance that was great for Country Music, it wasn’t good enough for Idol. She will likely go the route of Kelly Pickler and sell a few million Country records. Part of why I don’t like Country music is their unending acceptance of crap. Sure there are talented artists in there, but then these are the same people that make Larry the Cable Guy a millionaire, so they can’t be expected to have discerning taste.
This lack of discernment is not limited to Country Music. Last weeks show made me wonder, why has Mariah Carey had more number ones than Elvis? She is not a transcending artist like the Beatles or U2, she is still churning out the same lame songs as when I was in Junior High. She looked so fake and silly during her mentoring sessions. She looked like she was going to fall over in her 8 inch heels, completely ridiculous. Why this woman is still selling millions of records is beyond me, I mean come on…GLITTER! If it weren’t for 9/11, this would have been the most tragic event of 2001.
Kristy Lee Cook being voted of was clearly America’s penance for the early departure of Michael Johns. I think that many people stopped voting for the nice girl and started voting to the guy that they think deserves it. And when I say guy I mean it to refer specifically to a male. Look at who is left, I think it’s obvious we’re going to have a man win this year. Of course, I could be wrong and it may be a boy.
6. Syesha Mercado
5. Carly Smithson
4. Jason Castro
3. Brooke White
2. David Archuleta
1. David Cook
Care to comment? What is your prediction?
UPDATE- 4/23/08 2:50 am
I got home from school and crashed, so tired. I woke up at 2 and couldn't sleep, so I played Idol. This week's theme of show tunes got my attention. At the start of the show I said to myself, "oh my, this changes everything!" After watching the show I was right. SO, it's a toss up. Last night, Brooke White gave an awkward performance and gave a look of defeat and agony. Syesha absolutely rocked, giving an audition for Broadway. (In my opinion, she got the part!) If America votes based on the entire season, it's See Ya Syesha. If America votes based on last night, Bye Bye Brooke. Next week we'll have my thoughts on the show overall.
You’re pretty good at alliteration at 2 am.
“Why this woman is still selling millions of records is beyond me, I mean come on…GLITTER! If it weren’t for 9/11, this would have been the most tragic event of 2001.” I can’t believe you went there…
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