I was once assured that Uncle Sam was a U.S. president.
he wasn’t in case you’re wondering.
Yesterday’s Obama blog sparked a conversation with a friend. We were commenting about the majority of people do not frequent cable news and do not vote. He said that it is sad that those who vote are influenced by the cable news networks and how their bias is hurting America, not helping. We continued to discuss what we wanted to see from America.
He went on to admit that he was in the minority; people who follow the news, develop opinions and yet don’t vote. I threw my hands up. We had discussed his need to register a few times. It was silly for him to pontificate, to complain, yet to not exercise his freedom and fulfill his responsibility.
So, I am calling him out, in fact I am calling out anyone that reads this but doesn’t vote. Here are some reasons you should vote.
1.People died so you can vote.
2.It is your responsibility to make your country better by choosing the leaders you believe are best.
3.You will not be able to share your opinion with any integrity if the candidate you prefer looses.
I know there are more, but these are what came to my mind. Now, registering to vote gives you the opportunity to participate. This doesn’t mean you have to tune in to cable news from now until November. In fact, I would avoid doing that completely. Take 45 minutes a few weeks before the election. Look at a chttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifomparison of the candidate’s opinions and plans on the issues and cast your vote. Hey, you can even vote by mail if you don’t want to go to a polling location. You will miss out on the cool “I voted” sticker, but it’s an option.
So, I would love to have some comments on this post about registering new voters. It would not only make my day, but make you a better citizen. I made it so easy, all you have to do is click here.
(If you just happen to live in, let’s say, Oklahoma…Click Here.)
Go register and comment. God Bless America.
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