(Let's be honest, I'm jealous of your success and beard.)
Okay, things are nutty pants right now with school and work. Super busy, blah blah blah... BUT tonight when I got home from work, and I can't help but watch it. I'm beat and running on 5 hours sleep in 24 hours but goodness, I've got to take an hour to watch.
I fast forwarded through most of the result show, which was rare this student. In fact, reading some ratings this last week I found out that the Wednesday Shows edged out the Tuesday Night show. That's shocking and shows the talent of the producers. They said they'd make it different this year and Wednesday Night results have turned into a 45 minute American version of "Top of the Pops" and then the final 15 are the results. Tonight looked interesting and I felt like I was missing something. That says a lot about the results show, kudos to the producers because I didn't think they could do it.
Okay, anyway, back to the results. I'm just so busy this week, we're down to one blog. I was surprised and disappointed with last weeks show. Adam didn't do anything shocking, same old stuff. Although he absolutely tortured a great U2 song, it was just so bad...listen back, it was garbage. Danny was Danny and got a lame song from Paula and picked an old school song. Kris did par with apologize and then knocked it out of the park with Heartless. WOW, did he ever knock it out of the park. He scored within 1 million votes of Adam (possible more!) When it was announced that he made it, I literally screamed. SCREAMED with glee... I was so stoked to see my choice make it to the finals. Now, it was Gokey's song choice that killed him. While he got a bad break with Paula's choice, he chose an old song and it was fogetable to most of America. Sure he sang it downright perfectly, but this has never been purely a singing competition, it's also a popularity conversation.
In the last year there seems to be a movement of America to choose artists that they'd actually want to listen to. It was like Taylor Hicks was a wake up call and a few months after that finale, most of America said "Wait, I don't like that guy, he was just funny to watch." The last 2 seasons have produced artist that people are going to buy (Jordin Sparks and David Cook.) It's no longer about who has the best voice and would do good in a High School Talent Show, it's now about choosing an artist that is relevant.
Danny Gokey is someone that will sing a church song in a powerful and amazing way, but is he going to cut a record that is current and filled with tracks you'd hear on top 40 radio, probably not. Are people going to buy Adam Lambert squealing records, ehhh, they'll get the first single but then he'll wear on them and go the way of the $5 bin at Wal-Mart. Kris has a current style, Jason Mraz-y, and will interpret some good stuff. We haven't had an idol like him yet. David cook was a rocker, but Kris has potential to hit a market that Idol hasn't tapped into yet. I know I'm bias because this is my default music (the stuff I naturally go to), but I don't mind my bias. This is why I want him to win.
Now let me tell you why he IS going to win. "WOW, did he just say that?" YES HE DID... I've made predictions for a few years now and I'm pretty good at it. I'm sure I've made this analogy before, but when I watch the West Wing and see characters predicting the politics and understanding how one thing affects the other. American Idol is my political realm when it comes to West Wing style predictions. I have a keen ear and have a pretty good understanding of pop culture. So with that rousing endorsement of myself, let me share why Kris will win. (Or, at least why I think he will.)
It's called the swing votes. People, when faced with their second choice will likely go towards one of the two remaining people. Now, you figure there was a potential million vote defecit or surplus for Kris. Gokey was sure to have had far more than 1 million votes. I've got to think that enough of the people voting for Gokey were not exclusive to him. Kris' style and sensibility is closer in line with Gokey. They are both the loveable crooners, not the already performed on broadway, unaccessable rocker type. So those votes go to Kris creating a huge upset.
I can't wait for Wednesday for the big announcement. It's gonna be off the CHAIN! I am feeling like my logic is solid and willing to say I'm 90% sure I'm right. I know some people are going to disagree, but the numbers don't lie.
This has shaped up to be a great season!
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