Idol moment by moment blog:
- Adam looks ridiculous.
- Wow, no dress rehearsal.
- Randy's wrong; I think about the fact that Adam was on Broadway. I think it's cheating.
- Kara and Adam are kind of matching.
- Um...Allison, Adam sabotaged you by sending you to his stylist.
- Allison singing Joplin is right up her alley. I wonder if this song is maybe not Rockin enough. It's not a power ballad, it never fully lifts off.
- Randy says "You can sing anything. Not sure this was the song for you." Randy, you're contradicting yourself in the same breath.
- Has Paula Abdul ever SEEN Janis Joplin.

- I love STYX
- Danny had a better song than Chris.
- Kris is doing the Beatles at the break? The TiVo can't go fast enough
- TiVo went too fast, I have to rewind.
- I would have peed my pants playing guitar with Slash. Heck, I'd poo my pants playing guitar hero with slash.
- Not sure he's doing enough different with this beatles song, it's too close to the original.
- He's mixing it up towards the end, but not enough. Ahhh, I'm nervous for my guy!
- Yeah, the judges weren't nice and America listens to the judges.... ahhh...
- My text is bounced back saying it's too late in my time zone.
- Calling friends in Hawaii and asking for a favor.
- Gokey not shaving to look edgy is canceled out by the fact that he's wearing my dad's glasses.
- Don't try and be Scream-o Gokey... it's not you and you aren't good at it like Adam.
- I think Kara is off in her Aerosmith Chronology, saying Cryin' is before Dream on.
- Everyone seems to be full of excuses tonight, but no dress rehearsal, I get that.
- Dream On- 1973 Cryin'- 1993
- Adam & Allison pick one of my favorite songs.
- The bass player looks like a chubby Ice T.
- Never mind Ice T never looked that ridiculous.
- They definitely matched up the rock duets like High School Basketball. JV first then Varsity.
- They could have picked a better song for them, not great in my opinion.
- Well, I'm worried Kris had the worst night.
- Wait Paula is performing... please tell me MC Skat Kat is there too!
- I would like Allison to go, but I'm guessing it will be Kris. It's been too long since he's wowed America and we forget fast.
- No word on MC Skat Kat, we'll find out tomorrow.
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