Sunday, May 31, 2009
Who's on First?
This still makes me laugh. I remember listening to it when I was a kid. There is a reason these guys are legends. If you've never seen it, give it a listen it's classic American comedy.
Friday, May 29, 2009
UP (part 1)

I am a Disney Dork, we all know that. There really isn't any question of my passion for all things Disney. Pixar is like a whole new incarnation of the Disney Spirit and now that it's an official part of the Disney Company, it carries the Disney Brand as it searches to re-establish itself in the animation industry. My friend Jeff works for ABC Family and enjoys Disney but isn't at the level of obsession that I am, which always has me jealous of his work stories. One day I got a call from Jeff in the middle of the afternoon and he was beaming with excitement over a screening he'd seen of UP. It wasn't completed and much of the film was temporary animation, but they screen it early to the marketing guys like Jeff to get their brains spinning on how to promote the film.
Jeff is a tough critic. He's not uber-negative, but he's no push over. When he said that he was blown away and was overwhelmed with how good this film was, it had me REALLY excited. This was a few months ago and it had me even more anxious to see the latest Pixar offering. When I got a call a few weeks back to go to the premier, I gave an emphatic yes. Not just because Premiers are cool, but I wanted to see this movie so bad.
Let me give as strong of a reccomendation as possible for this film. If you have 2 free hours this weekend, it needs to be spent watching this film. Is it perfect? No, it's got a little pacing problem in the middle, but I feel like I'm nit picking. (Hey, I'm a blogger, that's my job, right?) Is it amazing? YES! I am going to see it AGAIN this weekend, but I'm suspecting it may be my favorite Pixar film.
I really connected with the story and characters... It's about an old curmudgeon who goes on an adventure with a neighborhood kid. I kind of want to leave it at that, because that's all I knew going in and it was a great surprise. This movie is probably a marketing nightmare, but everyone I talk to who has kids says their little ones are dying to see it. It shows that while something may not make sense on the surface, Pixar knows how to tap into a sense of wonder that kids have.
Within the first 15 minutes of this movie I was in tears. If you remember Toy Story 2 and the song "When She Loved Me", then you know that Pixar can pack an emotional punch... well that was nothing compared to this movie. (I put that song below, because it's just that good.) Little kids are going to laugh at the cute moments and be wowed by the prospect of making their house float. After sharing the same laughs, the grown-ups are going to learn a lesson and have a lump in their throat.
I've been away from the blog lately because of "post-finals writing" burn out. But when a commercial reminded me that this was the big release this weekend, I felt an obligation to get the word out. I've seen most of the big releases that have come out so far and I will write about them soon, but I had to write about this one right now. After a few weekends, giving people time to experience it on their own, I will talk in some more detail. For now, heed my reccomendation... SEE UP! In fact while writing this blog I'm so inspired, I'm heading out to see it again! I just text messaged my friends and we're making it happen.
Maybe next time I'll tell you about Trent on the Red Carpet: Meeting John Lassetter, Jon Voight, and signing autographs while acting like a celebrity. (I'm not sure Jeff will invite me again, but I had fun none the less!)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
music makes the difference...
I learned this in intro to film, but this video is a great example of it.
Disturbing Strokes - watch more funny videos
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Poor give more...

Most people would think the opposite with all the hype that large donations get, but it's not true. Interesting...
The generosity of poor people isn't so much rare as rarely noticed, however. In fact, America's poor donate more, in percentage terms, than higher-income groups do, surveys of charitable giving show. What's more, their generosity declines less in hard times than the generosity of richer givers does.
"The lowest-income fifth (of the population) always give at more than their capacity," said Virginia Hodgkinson, former vice president for research at Independent Sector, a Washington-based association of major nonprofit agencies. "The next two-fifths give at capacity, and those above that are capable of giving two or three times more than they give."
Indeed, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' latest survey of consumer expenditure found that the poorest fifth of America's households contributed an average of 4.3 percent of their incomes to charitable organizations in 2007. The richest fifth gave at less than half that rate, 2.1 percent.
The figures probably undercount remittances by legal and illegal immigrants to family and friends back home, a multibillion-dollar outlay to which the poor contribute disproportionally.
None of the middle fifths of America's households, in contrast, gave away as much as 3 percent of their incomes.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
One of the greatest sitcoms ever...
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Watching these interviews made me want to get the complete series on DVD. (I put it on I got the chance to see Cosby live and it was a pleasure. In my opinion, when it comes to social commentary, he's the Mark Twain of our time.
Great Final Show...

I'm pretty busy right now, but today I came home from the library a little early and started texting like mad. I have unlimited texts for moments like this and have been going non-stop since 10. I realize I'm acting like a 12 year old girl, but I can't help it. I really want Kris to win. I feel like it will be a big moral victory. The broadway star who squeals is not a relevant artist.
Tonight's show in my opinion went to Kris. His opening song was stronger without a doubt and more original. The second song got undue criticism for being too low key, I think that's ridiculous, it was a Kris take on the song and I liked it a lot. I've heard Stevie Wonder sing with just a piano and vocals in that room and it filled it just fine. I will say that Adam had a better performance that round. With that said Simon Fuller picked great songs, clearly he's a talented producer.
Then the show ended with the another sub par idol song... just lame. Kara didn't write that, she gave it a pass after two other writers did all the work. I wish they'd let this concept go, unfortunately I think they make money so it's too tempting to force them to perform the same song back to back. I don't know, make it a pool of songs, that they can choose from... this is a dated concept.
The show moved along and was pure singing. It didn't feel drawn out, it didn't have the cheesy boxing intro like last year. It was song after song and brief commentary, great job producers. Tomorrows show is the 2 hour pomp and circumstance session and seems fitting.
Tonight's show in my opinion went to Kris. His opening song was stronger without a doubt and more original. The second song got undue criticism for being too low key, I think that's ridiculous, it was a Kris take on the song and I liked it a lot. I've heard Stevie Wonder sing with just a piano and vocals in that room and it filled it just fine. I will say that Adam had a better performance that round. With that said Simon Fuller picked great songs, clearly he's a talented producer.
Then the show ended with the another sub par idol song... just lame. Kara didn't write that, she gave it a pass after two other writers did all the work. I wish they'd let this concept go, unfortunately I think they make money so it's too tempting to force them to perform the same song back to back. I don't know, make it a pool of songs, that they can choose from... this is a dated concept.
The show moved along and was pure singing. It didn't feel drawn out, it didn't have the cheesy boxing intro like last year. It was song after song and brief commentary, great job producers. Tomorrows show is the 2 hour pomp and circumstance session and seems fitting.
So, I've gotta run, I have more texting to do. Hopefully good news tomorrow.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Parking Shenanigans
kudos to Jeff W for the link.
I loathe parking in Los Angeles. It's nearly impossible to find a spot. The idea of paying someone to park my car is obnoxious too. When I saw this, I was shocked. I've never wanted to be a vigilante superhero more than I do right now. I could wear a cape, and walk around removing these illegal signs, moving cars to different locations so the valets couldn't find them, and giving quarters to people so they don't end up tipping 50 cents to the guy charging $9.50.
I need a name, costume ideas and a sidekick. If you have any ideas, comment.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Another great Mac Commercial
I am without a doubt a mac fanatic, so I am bias. This commercial is a response to all the buy a cheap PC commercials lately. Very very very funny.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

(Let's be honest, I'm jealous of your success and beard.)
Okay, things are nutty pants right now with school and work. Super busy, blah blah blah... BUT tonight when I got home from work, and I can't help but watch it. I'm beat and running on 5 hours sleep in 24 hours but goodness, I've got to take an hour to watch.
I fast forwarded through most of the result show, which was rare this student. In fact, reading some ratings this last week I found out that the Wednesday Shows edged out the Tuesday Night show. That's shocking and shows the talent of the producers. They said they'd make it different this year and Wednesday Night results have turned into a 45 minute American version of "Top of the Pops" and then the final 15 are the results. Tonight looked interesting and I felt like I was missing something. That says a lot about the results show, kudos to the producers because I didn't think they could do it.
Okay, anyway, back to the results. I'm just so busy this week, we're down to one blog. I was surprised and disappointed with last weeks show. Adam didn't do anything shocking, same old stuff. Although he absolutely tortured a great U2 song, it was just so bad...listen back, it was garbage. Danny was Danny and got a lame song from Paula and picked an old school song. Kris did par with apologize and then knocked it out of the park with Heartless. WOW, did he ever knock it out of the park. He scored within 1 million votes of Adam (possible more!) When it was announced that he made it, I literally screamed. SCREAMED with glee... I was so stoked to see my choice make it to the finals. Now, it was Gokey's song choice that killed him. While he got a bad break with Paula's choice, he chose an old song and it was fogetable to most of America. Sure he sang it downright perfectly, but this has never been purely a singing competition, it's also a popularity conversation.
In the last year there seems to be a movement of America to choose artists that they'd actually want to listen to. It was like Taylor Hicks was a wake up call and a few months after that finale, most of America said "Wait, I don't like that guy, he was just funny to watch." The last 2 seasons have produced artist that people are going to buy (Jordin Sparks and David Cook.) It's no longer about who has the best voice and would do good in a High School Talent Show, it's now about choosing an artist that is relevant.
Danny Gokey is someone that will sing a church song in a powerful and amazing way, but is he going to cut a record that is current and filled with tracks you'd hear on top 40 radio, probably not. Are people going to buy Adam Lambert squealing records, ehhh, they'll get the first single but then he'll wear on them and go the way of the $5 bin at Wal-Mart. Kris has a current style, Jason Mraz-y, and will interpret some good stuff. We haven't had an idol like him yet. David cook was a rocker, but Kris has potential to hit a market that Idol hasn't tapped into yet. I know I'm bias because this is my default music (the stuff I naturally go to), but I don't mind my bias. This is why I want him to win.
Now let me tell you why he IS going to win. "WOW, did he just say that?" YES HE DID... I've made predictions for a few years now and I'm pretty good at it. I'm sure I've made this analogy before, but when I watch the West Wing and see characters predicting the politics and understanding how one thing affects the other. American Idol is my political realm when it comes to West Wing style predictions. I have a keen ear and have a pretty good understanding of pop culture. So with that rousing endorsement of myself, let me share why Kris will win. (Or, at least why I think he will.)
It's called the swing votes. People, when faced with their second choice will likely go towards one of the two remaining people. Now, you figure there was a potential million vote defecit or surplus for Kris. Gokey was sure to have had far more than 1 million votes. I've got to think that enough of the people voting for Gokey were not exclusive to him. Kris' style and sensibility is closer in line with Gokey. They are both the loveable crooners, not the already performed on broadway, unaccessable rocker type. So those votes go to Kris creating a huge upset.
I can't wait for Wednesday for the big announcement. It's gonna be off the CHAIN! I am feeling like my logic is solid and willing to say I'm 90% sure I'm right. I know some people are going to disagree, but the numbers don't lie.
This has shaped up to be a great season!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I was right, but it doesn't feel good.
2009 I just want her to stop.
Paula's dance routine while her record played was ridiculous, but that was just the start of the show. By the way, I use to watch a total of 5 minutes of results shows but this year with the subtle changes and more performances live from various artists... I watch almost all of it! Good work producers, it almost makes up for the torture of 3 minutes of Paula.
So, I was shocked, absolutely shocked that Kris didn't get voted off. Once that was announced and it was down to Allison and Danny, I thought if its based on last night... Bye Danny but that's not how America usually works in American Idol. So when Allison was voted off, I was sad for her. She's a sweet girl with a lot of talent. Hopefully she grows into a great artist. It was great to see her huddle with the remaining contestants at the end. It made me feel like they were all friends and I like watching that.
I'm sad I was right because besides Adam, (who I've grown to accept, even though I don't think he should be there), I like everyone's voice and personality! Anyway... I'll probably get choked up next week when they visit their home towns. WHY AM I SO WEEPY!
Whatever, that's enough Idol for tonight! Comment away and we'll see you next week.
Let me make this clear, I'm not hating on her or her cause. I also am not saying that people can't make mistakes and then use their story to help others. I am all for that. I am not going to sling mud, because that's not my style. (Unless you're an American Idol contestant, then for whatever reason I feel obligated to.) But really...How do you not have an answer to this basic question!?! If you're going to go on a show like this, then you've got to be ready to be asked this question. She shouldn't have hired the same PR firm as her mom. (See the Katie Couric Interview that sank the republicans campaign.)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Rockin Idol
Idol moment by moment blog:

- Adam looks ridiculous.
- Wow, no dress rehearsal.
- Randy's wrong; I think about the fact that Adam was on Broadway. I think it's cheating.
- Kara and Adam are kind of matching.
- Um...Allison, Adam sabotaged you by sending you to his stylist.
- Allison singing Joplin is right up her alley. I wonder if this song is maybe not Rockin enough. It's not a power ballad, it never fully lifts off.
- Randy says "You can sing anything. Not sure this was the song for you." Randy, you're contradicting yourself in the same breath.
- Has Paula Abdul ever SEEN Janis Joplin.

- I love STYX
- Danny had a better song than Chris.
- Kris is doing the Beatles at the break? The TiVo can't go fast enough
- TiVo went too fast, I have to rewind.
- I would have peed my pants playing guitar with Slash. Heck, I'd poo my pants playing guitar hero with slash.
- Not sure he's doing enough different with this beatles song, it's too close to the original.
- He's mixing it up towards the end, but not enough. Ahhh, I'm nervous for my guy!
- Yeah, the judges weren't nice and America listens to the judges.... ahhh...
- My text is bounced back saying it's too late in my time zone.
- Calling friends in Hawaii and asking for a favor.
- Gokey not shaving to look edgy is canceled out by the fact that he's wearing my dad's glasses.
- Don't try and be Scream-o Gokey... it's not you and you aren't good at it like Adam.
- I think Kara is off in her Aerosmith Chronology, saying Cryin' is before Dream on.
- Everyone seems to be full of excuses tonight, but no dress rehearsal, I get that.
- Dream On- 1973 Cryin'- 1993
- Adam & Allison pick one of my favorite songs.
- The bass player looks like a chubby Ice T.
- Never mind Ice T never looked that ridiculous.
- They definitely matched up the rock duets like High School Basketball. JV first then Varsity.
- They could have picked a better song for them, not great in my opinion.
- Well, I'm worried Kris had the worst night.
- Wait Paula is performing... please tell me MC Skat Kat is there too!
- I would like Allison to go, but I'm guessing it will be Kris. It's been too long since he's wowed America and we forget fast.
- No word on MC Skat Kat, we'll find out tomorrow.
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