If this represents other people that blog about Idol...well,
one of these things is not like the other, and I am that one thing.
Okay, so I wake up this morning to an email from a complete stranger. Andrea found thoughtsoftrent.com from a friend (another person I don't know), and she was disappointed to not have my weekly post. She did some hunting and found a site that had clips of the show. Big thanks to Andrea for making this post possible.
Danny- Um...not bad. Simon's notes of that being a bit boring but still showing his good voice. It was touching when I realized he was thinking about his wife and I respected him even more when he didn't state the obvious.
Adam- He just yells and does what he does... no big woop for me. Paula said, "you dare to dance in the path of greatness" and it was the most ridiculous thing I've heard in quite sometime. Simon was right on, and I wasn't won over at all by this squeal session. I know he'll be in the top 3, but I still don't have huge buy in. I listened to last weeks after listening to the version was covering and I was reminded how he didn't do much different. Not as amazing as most think he is.
OKAY SIDE NOTE: What's with only 2 judges talking??? There are plenty of other places to trim the show back... not here.
Kris- Okay, I never say this but OMG! My favorite contestant sings one of my five favorite songs from the last 5 years. I watched this twice, I LOVED this. He kept the best parts of the original and made it his own ballad. More performing in a large hall than singer songwriter in a piano store in Ireland, but that's great. (By the way, have I told you about "Once", it's amazing...I blogged about it, right? Ahhh, I need to make a master list of the things I blabber about.) If he's really not in the top 3, then I will not be happy.
Allison- Just whatever, there are people that still need to go before she does, but I am not thrilled. She needs to grow up and live some life so she has layered emotions to sing about. Oh, side note: her hair is just silly, take that hat off. Oh, and fire the person that puts you in those clothes.
Lil- This was really boring, and if they didn't say it would take a gospel turn, I'd of probably turned it off. Then when it took a Gospel turn, it didn't feel like a young marketable artist doing a throwback to gospel. It felt like this copycat artist, just mixing up styles. I am ready to move on from Lil, I hope she goes. DON'T ARGUE WITH SIMON... YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS!!!
Anoop- Thanks for the flashback to 6th grade. Gosh, there was nothing Hollywood about these performances (other than Kris and Adam so far) that captured the feel of the film. I don't know, they could have had more fun with this. Anoop didn't sound bad here, but he's still Anoop. Ok, judges agree but clearly in their tone they are saying that he won't last. Also, worst jacket EVER!
Matt- Uhoh, those aren't good choices when it comes to tweaking the melody, it sounds off. You sound horrible, oh dude, not just a worn voice... Okay, I get why you got voted off only to be saved by the judges. Wow, great notes from Randy, he always surprises me in moments like these where he has good feedback.
So, a little bit of a let down for Hollywood week. Now, with the Judges save used, and Disco week this next week, well anything could happen. It should be interesting. I hope TiVo is more agreeable.
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