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Well, trent is back to American Idol. It's good to be back. I'd missed last week because of President Obama, Lost and my Tivo not working together. Here are my thoughts on this week.
Anoop: Later, just not good and you looked ridiculous.
Megan Joy: I love that song by Lauren Hill but you sounded ridiculous.
Danny: Sounded great, wasn't as earth shattering as the judges thought, but it was good.
Allison: Song was just that song and your hair cut was WAY worse than your clothes.
Scott: Your new Mullett isn't fooling anyone, just doing a sub-par cover of a great 80's song has to stop.
Matt: The judges advice is right on, you need to stop trying to sing everything you like.
Lil: Celine Dion song, really? Just boring and not current.
Adam: I am not a fan and think your hair helmet is as silly as your squealing voice.
Kris: One of my favorite songs and a great rendition. Better than Maroon 5's cover. You're running away with it.
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