Times, they are a changin'. They have all the contestants staying in a huge mansion, and it looks like they're going to do a little more "reality TV" stuff with them. I really could care less about that stuff, so I am a little skeptical. Although, this whole new house thing did provide the funniest moment of the show; They arrive at the lawn of the new house and cut to a close up of Scott, the blind guy as he looks over the house and says wow. Okay, that was so forced because they were 30 yards away from the house and unless mansions SOUND big, then I am not buying it. I'm not laughing at the blind guy here, I am laughing at the ridiculous choice of the director/editor.
This time, Ryan Seacrest refered to two of the contestants by their last names, like they had played football for years, it was awkward. Wait, that wasn't the biggest change... it was all about the "Judges Save" rule. In case you missed it, this was the new rule this season that at one point until the final 5, the judges can unanimously agree to keep a voted off contestant in the competition. THAT is FUN! I'm excited to see how that pans out. It is like double rejection for the contestants though. They sing their song while the judges discuss (or Paula flails around like my friend Alyssa's drunk step-mom.) I like this change and think it will be good for the show.
Okay, let's focus on the people voted off. I was half right. I think I forgot the I'm not surprised to be totally honest. These are two easy victims. With that said, they aren't horrible. I can remember horrible happening early on, (see below) and neither of these were that. It looks like we're off to a good start. I look forward to watching next week.

He performed Copacabana and it was so horrible that I almost lost hope in the whole competition. It's why I blog after they elect the top 12. They add these people because they are personalities, but then most of the time America weeds them out.
Everyone loves the drunk step-mom dance but not the drunk step-mom.
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