Nothing says I’m in jail and being processed like a Raiders Sweatshirt. Go Raider Fan!
I’m sitting on a couch that is not my own and watching a TiVo-less television. This can be a frustrating experience; commercials, having to channel surf through garbage, all of these things remind me why I love my TiVo. Anyway, enough about Tivo and on to the discovery we’re talking about. I came across TruTV (formerly CourtTV) and what looked like Cops but was so much better; Inside American Jail. This show is a reality show where they film the processing center of a local jail. Drunks, addicts and thieves being processed and put in jail is wildly entertaining.
All of the moments that I wait for when watching Cops fill every moment of this show. Its like you can see it coming, someone is wiggling around a little during a pat down and then BAM, they’re on the ground getting pepper sprayed with 5 officers cuffing them. These men and women are always claiming to be innocent and misunderstood. “I didn’t do anything” is the common cry and I have to admit it makes me laugh every single time.
So if you’re a sicko like myself and enjoy watching the depravity of man via cameras following law enforcement, then give Inside American Jail a shot. Throw it on the TiVo and see what you think. It is worth a place on your Season Pass Manager list. Ohh… beautiful TiVo.
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