This week I broke up a little scuffle among a couple middle schoolers. They're good kids, and just got on each others nerves. We talked it out, and how it didn't need to get to the point where it's a fight. It was just pettiness and they didn't handle it like human beings. They were selfish and just escalated the situation by not bending. We can't all get our way all the time. We have to let little things go. This murder of a child is a product of the same thing that these two students dealt with. Unwilling to yield, having to prove your status, all of it has to stop. It has to stop at the start. We have to get in the habit as kids, and if we are grown then we need to see how we're acting like kids.
Sorry for babbling, but I am just so disgusted. I have compassion for the family that has lost this child, but my sense of justice is through the roof right now. Today is Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. I long for a price to be paid here. I hold to hope for a day when these kinds of things will pass.
I hurt.
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