lame picture representing my emotions

awesome song representing my emotions
Friends and Readers:
It has been a crazy few months and I have neglected my blog. For that I apologize and let me assure you that I am not giving up on this blogging thing. I have appreciated the emails asking where I've been. I have a new job as a youth pastor and I've been spending most of my free time dreaming and scheming. It's been a very fun and very busy 2 months. I got on a plane, went to Egypt for 2 weeks. Then I finished stuff up at my old job doing video editing stuff by working like mad for 2 weeks on a documentary. THEN I moved and started a new job. Well this last week I got out of boxes and so I guess that's the indication that it is time to blog again.
I had a great birthday, a great thanksgiving and some fun times with friends. I have formulated plenty of opinions and well thoughts that I'd like to blab on about. I am thankful that you read me blab. If you are stalking me, I am sure you especially happy to read what I've been up to.
We stalkers appreciate the shout out.
Now, about that dead cat we left on your stoop...
dear stalkers:
thank you for the dead cat.
I want to be just friends,
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