Friday, October 31, 2008
Election Countdown: Jon Stewart with the future president
"Did he just sell me a sham-wow?"
Jon Stewart is the best.
Obama looks much older than he did a year ago, then again, so do I. Therefore, maybe I could be president. TRENT 2012!
oh, wait, the constitution... TRENT 2016!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Election Countdown
W is as disappointing as the administration it depicts.
That hair doesn’t just happen, it takes our tax dollars to make it look that good.
I got a chance to see W last week and I have to say, it was not as good as it could have been. Now the timing of its release is clearly deliberate, depicting a failing administration right before America chooses a new one. I’ve heard some pundits crying foul, but give me a break. All this does is give them more opportunities to yell “liberal Hollywood”, so everyone wins.
In my opinion, it was this rush to get the film done before the election that actually hurt it. When I watch other historical movies, there is usually a couple decades between the event and the film. This time allows our memories to be more forgiving. When you watch a film about events from current headlines, when the real people are fresh in your mind, it taints the viewing. It felt like I was watching a Saturday Night Live sketch when Colin Powell and Dick Chenney were portrayed by well-known actors. The portrayal of Bush felt as over the top at times as a performance from Will Ferrel.
The story was interesting but didn’t sustain the entire length of the film. I get that they’re saying George is lazy and has daddy issues, but that was where it stopped. Its big reveal was that George Bush went out of his way to try and create a need to attack Iraq. WOW, really, that is shocking. I’ve been hearing that in the news for months. There was nothing fresh about the performances or the story.
Toward the end, I was so bored that I actually fell asleep. Now, I haven’t fallen asleep in the theater since I use to see 11:30 screenings in college. I was disappointed and wish that Oliver Stone had taken the time to let some time pass between the film and the administration. It would also allow him to rework the script and work with the actors. I say wait till its out on DVD and see what you think then. At that point we will have a new president and be able to laugh a little more at this little film.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Election Countdown: Sarah McCain Palin Ciptak
ELIZABETHTON, Tenn. -- A new father has secretly named his baby girl Sarah McCain Palin after the Republican ticket for president and vice president.
Mark Ciptak of Elizabethton put that name on the documents for the girl's birth certificate, ignoring the name Ava Grace, which he and his wife had picked earlier.
"I don't think she believes me yet," he told the Kingsport Times-News for a story to be published Tuesday. "It's going to take some more convincing."
Ciptak, a blood bank employee for the American Red Cross, said he named his third child after John McCain and Sarah Palin to "to get the word out" about the campaign.
"I took one for the cause," he said. "I can't give a lot of financial support for the (McCain/Palin) campaign. I do have a sign up in my yard, but I can do very little."
My Thoughts
Just when you think celebrities have the market cornered on stupid baby names, someone does this. This is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. This guy went against his wife’s wishes to “get the word out.” What does this guy think, people didn’t know the names of the candidates? I can only imagine how ticked off Mrs. Ciptak is! She just goes through the trauma of birthing a child and then learns her husband does this. It is things like this that make me sad about America.
I am not smart, but I am not this stupid. I hope he likes the couch, because I have a feeling he’ll be sleeping on it for quite some time.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Random: Dangerous Tampering
It's hard to imagine this song or video being improved upon, but it happened.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Egypt: Home
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Egypt: hole in the wall
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Egypt: Vodafone ruined it
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Egypt: Ain't nothin but a Coptic party...
Coptic church is like Greek orthodox for Africa. They claim to have the head of Mark in the basement. I'm not sure I buy that but it was still pretty cool to honor him and his message coming to Africa. Awesome.
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Egypt: all the same
Inside felt just like I was in Burbank. It was a trippy. Hooray for globalization!!!
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
Egypt: waves 1
The view is beautiful and the waves crash right on the walkway.
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Egypt: waves 2
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Egypt: waves 3
(It was clear he was joking.)
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Egypt: education
In 5 minutes I learned how to deliver a baby if I needed to. Right now they're showing a new face lift miracle. I know this doesn't have anything directly to do with Egypt but it taught me a few things about lady parts while reminding me why many in the Muslim world hate Americans.
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Egypt: toll roads
Wouldn't you be a little happier to pay the toll if it felt like it was going to Pharaoh, I know I would!
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Friday, October 10, 2008
Egypt: Hookah
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Egypt: ladies night
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Egypt: Friday Night
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Egypt: Seinfeld Education
Doesn't my pasty leg look more Egyptian than usual?
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Egypt: Goals
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Egypt: Breakfast of Champions
So many bread options, I don't think Atkins was ever a craze out here.
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Thursday, October 9, 2008
Egypt: Fresno
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Egypt: prayer at the mall
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Egypt: view
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Monday, October 6, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Ghost Town was not what I expected from Gervais
I would go to the Dentist way more if it were Ricky Gervais.
It’s always been very hip and trendy to be a fan of British Comedies. I have tried to avoid making such attempts at vanity. Therefore I haven’t really loved a comedy from England since Monty Python. Then a few years ago I was told that I needed to watch this show called “The Office”. Within a few minutes, I had fallen in love. Anyone that reads this blog is aware that I am referring to the original version from the creator and star Ricky Gervais.
His follow up to the two seasons of “The Office” was two seasons of “Extras”, a show about an actor trying to make it and doing extra work to put food on the table. It is equally funny and convinced me that there was something great about Gervais. From what I had seen in interviews, he was not enchanted with Hollywood and saw himself as a writer. He refused to go the route of Dane Cook. (“Employee of the Month”, “Good Luck Chuck”) He wanted to write projects and make the formula instead of forcing himself into roles that only fit his name.
I was surprised when I heard he was staring in “Ghost Town”. This film has some great elements like Greg Kinnear, Tea Leoni, and writer turned director David Koepp. Koepp is Steven Spielberg’s go to writer, whose credits include Jurassic Park, Spider-Man & the latest Indiana Jones. Unfortunately, no one reaches their full potential in “Ghost Town”. It was fairly simple, predictable and uneventful. Kinnear never really had a shinning moment. Leoni was fun to watch and made me wonder why she doesn’t make more movies, she’s so likeable.
Gervais was certainly the right fit for the movie, playing a snooty dentist. But with the bar so high, I don’t think the movie was the right fit for Gervais. It felt like he had a few moments to just be him and the rest of the movie was just filled with predictable dialogue that moved the story along. Gervais did fine in this part but it did take him off the pedestal I’d put him on. As for a recommendation, I would wait for the DVD and rent it if you’re at the Redbox and there isn’t anything else that you and your significant other can agree on. You will get a chuckle or two but won’t be blown away as if you were watching one of Gervais’ own creations.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Coen Brothers don’t hit a home run,
but they get on base.
If I worked at a gym, I would probably get involved in some crazy spy stuff too.
Coen brothers, John Malkovich, Brad Pitt, Francis McDermont, George Clooney; all these people could build a fair amount of hype. Luckily I had tempered my expectations and walked into the theater, not expecting to be wowed, but hoping to enjoy myself. I was pleased with what I got out of “Burn After Reading”. It was quirky, it was a morality tale, it was what one should expect from this kind of Coen Brother’s film.
I enjoyed watching characters that seemed outlandish and believable at the same time. Clooney is right in his zone when he takes on these roles and this was no exception. Malkovich was just angry the whole time which was undoubtedly fun to watch but didn’t wow me. Francis McDormand had hints of her character from Fargo in this film. Her motivation was to get multiple plastic surgeries to look slightly better. That would usually be obnoxious but as a credit to her talent, it came across endearing in this film.
Brad Pitt stole the show for me, my only disappointment was that he hasn’t been in more of the Coen Brother’s films. He is underrated as a comedic actor, even his guest spots on friends make me laugh just thinking about it. No one doubts his ability to pull of the occasional laugh but this movie showed his range. Just watching him process his harebrained idea made me want to rewind in the theater.
Now as a whole this movie wasn’t fabulous. I find with Coen Brother’s films, the first viewing doesn’t do it justice, they grow on you. Case and point, the first time I saw Lebowski I thought it was kind of funny. So, I will give it another shot on DVD. It felt like it dragged at times but with that when we got to the conclusion I was just plain happy. It was definitely fulfilling for me. So if you are a fan of Joel and Ethan, then catch this in the theater while you can. If not, then its worth going with friends or seeing it at home in a few months. The later category won’t love it, but I think they’ll be entertained. And that’s the idea, right? Not everything has to be “No Country for Old Men 2- Electric Boogaloo”